Production Blog : Photos

Welcome back Blog, to yet, another blog! As you may remember, I am currently making a commercial. This little commercial with represent my life. It will include photography and videos that essentially visualize my life.
The app I planning to be using for the production of my commercial is Cap Cut. Im going to use this app to put together my items because its not difficult to use. It also has several of features implemented into the editing portions, that will allow me to make somewhat of a quality commercial. The first part of my commercial production, I will be focusing on the photography of my life. I began with creating an album in my camera roll, of the photos I tend to use in my commercial. These photos consisted of me, my friends and family, me at work, cheering, and doing the ordinary Girl Scout things! I tried to include at least one photo of all that I may do in life, so I could really present myself. After selecting my photos, I then downloaded them, and uploaded them into the app Cap Cut, simply by selecting them. After they were selected, the app itself, made a sort of montage, video presentation of all the photos I had picked out. I was able to cut or expand the duration of the clips, to manage how long I wanted each of the photos to last in the video. I was also to edit some features of each photo, If i wasn't able to in my camera roll. The app gives me the option to blur photos, lighten, darken, and crop them as well! 
After messing around with some of the editing portions of the app, I noticed the transitioning button. This white colored feature allowed me to make transitional edits in between photos. For example, i was able to flip one photo into the next, or slide them. Along with the transitions, I was also able to adjust the duration of the transition too. So, if I wanted a sudden flip or slide, I was able to easily change the timing. 
In addition to the photography portion of the commercial, I was able to edit a cover. The app allows me to select of cover for the commercial. It gave me the option of either selecting a photo from the actual commercial or uploading a completely different one. The covers were also accompanied by any templates, if I needed one.
Overall, being able to mess with the tools and editing gadgets for the photos was certainly a learning experience. I cant wait to further move on with my commercial!
                                                                   Until next time blog!


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