Production Blog : Music

 Hey blog! I know I say it all the time now, but its Marissa, back again, with another update! Previously, I elaborated on the production of my commercial. This included the photography and videos I added. Now I will be focusing on the addition of the music! This was and is probably one of the most parts of the commercial, as it will be presented in my whole commercial. I wanted to choose a song from one of my and many favorites' artists, to make the commercial more audibly appealing. In my planning blog, I mentioned I wanted to include songs from either SZA or Beyonce. As I weighed my options, the SZA fan inside me had to choose her. So, for the commercial I chose Garden by SZA!

Before inserting the music in the app, I had the option and either download the song or screen record it and save it into my album. I chose to screen record, only because I'm certainly not tech savvy just yet. Then I went into the Cap-Cut editing app, and selected an option for audio. There I was able to find that I was able to insert a voice over, my own music, and even run a copyright check. After selecting the option for my music, I selected my recording and imported it into my commercial. When my sound uploaded, I then began using the editing skills I already learned to alter my sound. I first went in and trimmed and split my music, getting rid of any unnecessary duration of silence, or ads if there were any. After that I explored some new features along with my audio. Under the music portion, I observed that I was able to adjust the volume and tone of the music. I wanted the music to be more ambient and faded into the background, but enough to be heard. Not only could I adjust the sound and tempo, but I was able to alter the music' speed as well as the voice effects of the audio. I could change the voice of the artists to make it more unique and essentially entertaining. Depending on the vibes and mood I wanted to give off, of any project, I would probably go in and alter some voice effects. If I was feeling silly one day, for example, I would insert a trickster or laughing voice effect! 

This is basically the near end of my commercial productions! I still have more tools and effects I want to be able to play around and get comfortable with, for future reference. 

Anyway, I guess it is about that time! Thank you for listening to my blog again! I am working hard on this commercial, and I don't plan on disappointing.


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