Production Blog : Videos

 Hey blog, long time no talk! I'm back again, preparing for my commercial all about me. Using the same editing app, Capcut, I will now be inserting my videos. Before I began inserting them in the app, I selected some videos from my camera roll that represented me. I chose some that included videos of solely me, me with my friends, and cheerleading family. After choosing them, I went into the app, selected them and imported them into the collage of photos I already had. In the app, I was able to move around the order of videos or photos, by dragging and dropping. After I moved my videos around I, once again, played with some of the editing tools within my videos settings. I saw how I was able to crop my videos and even split them to make different clips. I ended up cropping some videos, to make the video more time efficient. With that, I then adjusted the brightness and saturation of some clips to make the videos either more visible, or dim. This enhanced the quality of some of my videos, and allowed for a better commercial. In my videos, I noticed options to add text , sound effects, and overlap music as well. Those are some of the other pieces of my commercial I will be explaining later. In addition to adjusting brightness, I was also able to add stickers to my videos. For example, if in any of my videos If I wanted to blur something out, instead of using any motion blur, I could replace that with emojis, GIFs,and even photos from my camera roll. I enjoyed the selection of options because It would allow my commercial to be more visually appealing to the eye. Of the videos that I ended up choosing, I made sure they included some action as well. I didn't want my videos to be boring and dull. I chose lively videos, that you are able to see while enjoying myself. This would allow for a more entertaining commercial!

There is still so much more to this commercial that I am excited about adding. Next time, I will be talking about some more amusing features of the app I will be using for my video! Until next time blog!


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