Production Blog : Editing

Hey blog, its Marissa here! I am back and I am not ranting about me filming this fun project. Me and my group mates have proceeded to the more fun and "hard work". Although the editing wasn't necessarily hard. We have now progressed into editing our music video! Previously mentioned before, Cap-cut will be the editing software of our choice. It is most familiar with me and my partners. It is also easily manageable among the rest of the group. I decided that it would be easier for everyone to have access to the file, because feedback and collaboration was essential. Cap-cut allowed for me to share the project with my group mates, so they had editing access. This also allowed for us to save time, instead of having to go back and forth, asking each other if each clip was good. We all had access and visual to the music video, allowing for any edits at any time. After each member had access, the actual song for the video had to be implemented. Once again, Gone Girl; the clean version, was screen recorded off of YouTube. That downloading was then inserted through Cap Cut and into the project. The song obviously came out over the exceeded amount. I went in and trimmed the audio to a more desirable time frame for the film. I then toggled the screen recording's audio, and made it at max volume. This was primarily because, the song was the focus, and we would have no background sounds in the music video. After music was finalized, the filmed clips were ready to be inserted into the project. Now we didn't just have music with a blank video! Any who, after all the clips were ready to be downloaded, and were placed in the project, the group went in and trimmed the clips. When we planned the video, along with the clips, we decided on a desirable time frame for all the clips. This was to manage time wisely and be strategic with the music. You know me, all about absolute! My group and I went in, and chose to separately attack some different clips to trim them to the suggested time. What can they say, team work made the dream work! 
Phew! It’s about that time bloggy bloggy. I must head out now and hit the racks! So long partner, and till next time!


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Production Blog: Editing

