Production Blog : Filming

 Hey Blog, its Marissa again! Im back again continuing, and sharing my journey of this music video. In the last blogs, I discussed the prepping I did individually, as well as with my team, for the video. So far we decided on the location, and overall format of the music video. For the film, we chose our group mate, Hailey to be main actor in the video. She portrays well acting skills, and a sense of creativity. This is essential to make our music video as good as we can. My group mates and I practiced some filming techniques, so her acting was improved. This included making sure not to make strange eye contact with the camera, as well as trying to act as naturally as possible. The music video is intended to seem realistic, so the actor must feel comfortable and natural in performing the tasks in the film. The initial filming of the video began inside our first location. The house in which we recorded in, was a family friends. In the house, we recorded the opening scenes on the video. This included the scenes of the individual packing up her belongings and putting them into boxes. This scene was not necessarily hard to film, but it did use a few takes, which was expected. Some reasons the filming was interrupted, was mostly because of the setting's lighting, or the actor herself making a few mistakes. The other opening scenes included, the individual walking outside to the car, and putting the items in the car. This part did take some time, because there were some weather issues that occurred. It would start to drizzle and rain on us, so we decided to wait it out, and go inside. Because of the poor weather conditions, we had to delay that filming process. When we got back to it, we continued on with the filming of the outside scenes. About the same issues occurred, particularly  with the lighting from the sun, and the overall glare. After being able to capture the right angles and moments without a glare, filming the rest of the outside scenes was pretty much a breeze. 

Anyway, I feel like I always say it. But, thank you some much for tuning it blog! Truly appreciate the support and the "feedback"! I might as well use the same outro, because I do think its catchy. Until next time, bloggy blog!


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