Production Blog : Filming

 Hey bloggy blog blog! As always, its Marissa throwing the words in her head into this one blog. As discussed previously, there was a change to the last few ending scenes in the video. The video now ends  with a tragic accident happening. The main actor crashes the car, and unfortunately passes away from it. After the crash, the film automatically transitions in a black screen. This will present the words gone girl, which resembles the life of the individual. For filming the other half of the music video it involved being in a moving car for some parts. We had a designated, safe driver, drive the car around while we filmed from the back seat. We passed through the city while filming out through the window. When we filmed the scene of passing by the old school, we made sure it was a good visual. This scene is set to be in slow motion in the music video, so a clear video was needed. Once again, from the backseat of the car, we filmed out the window again. This time it was in a new location, symbolizing, the change of cities. Quickly after that, the next scene then transitions back into the car. This is where the driver is handling the wheel, and loses focus. We film this moment of panic, and begin to slowly zoom in into the steering wheel. We show the sudden jerk of the steering wheel to emphasize the then, upcoming accident. The next scene is shot outside the car this time. This scene films the car actually turning and essentially losing control. The car then crashes, but it doesn't actually hit anything! We don't need to pay for any damage, because that is really not necessary!

 Anyways, after the car "crashes", the scene goes back, and the film is over. Filming this portion of the music video certainly took a long time. Filming from inside the car was the least of the worries, because we could've filmed as we kept driving. This made it easier, instead of turning around and trying to film the same area place. The only area we had to return to was the school, because that location was set in the stone for the video. The scene of the crash took the most time and patience! It had to be re-filmed about 100 times! However, enough of my rambling for today. I should let you go now. Enjoy the rest of your day blog. 

I truly think im getting the hang of this blog thing!


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