Production Blog

 Hey Blog, Its Marissa Rissa here! I am very excited to share some news about my music video that I am making with my group. As you may know already, and if you don't, our music video is about a girl leaving her life behind and moving into a new time. At least that is what is was going to be about. There has, unexpectedly been a change of plans! The music video will now consist of a tragic accident happening in the end of the music video. In the last 3 scenes, it was this girl exploring her new town, then moving into her new house. She then experiences flashbacks of her old home while moving into her new one. I believe a more interesting take to the music video could include an accident happening. For the new scenes, I would like to see the girl arriving in her new town. As she is driving, flashbacks of her old life, she is now leaving behind, clouds her head and all her thoughts. She is blinded with these memories, and looses control of the wheel. The wheel swiftly jerks and she crashes. The video will then end at the scene of the girl crash, then leading to a black screen that illustrates the words GONE GIRL. I am very excited to implement this into out music video. 

Now that the music video is only consisting of one house, the original home, only 1 location will be used. I no longer need to use another house in the filming of our music video. This does make the filming process much easier me and my group mates.

Besides the change of plans to the scenes, everything else is pretty much the same! I still suggest the use of the editing software, cap cut, because of my familiarity and experience with it. I am still very excited to see the outcome of this project. Just like my commercial, I know I will have fun filming and producing this lyrical video of a kind. It is certainly more enjoyable that I get to share this experience with my friends as well! Anyways, I think I will end my blog off here tonight. Thank you so much, once again and always, for tuning in to me rant about literally everything. Till next time, Marissa out.


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