
 Hey blog! Its Marissa again here, and I am officially done with my commercial! I hope it was entertaining to watch. I am here to reflect on the experience and creation of the video.

I first started off with the technological device of a Ipad. I chose the Ipad because its not as big as a computer, has many features, and has editing software other computers may not have. I used the editing software of Cap cut to then publish my commercial. I did actually have my phone, to select pictures from my camera roll and send videos as well. I chose my Ipad not only because of the ease of maneuvering it, but because I have alot of storage on my Ipad. After downloading capcut on my Ipad, I explored this app and was able to find my way around it, implementing photos and videos to then make my commercial.

During the process of putting the commercial I would like to believe I learned alot. I learned to not only edit, but the steps it takes to publish a proper commercial. This commercial showed me that it takes certain planning and thinking to form a project. I learned that putting a project together meant trying out and exploring new softwares. For this project specifically, I learned how to insert, merge, and cut photos and videos together to make a commercial about me. This will benefit me in the long run, when I move onto bigger and more extensive projects. I learned the basics of editing and working with production applications to complete a project. Overall, I learned the basic steps of setting up a commercial, how to work through editing software, and steps it takes to complete a project. The things I learned will help me move on to excel in further projects.

For my next projects, I believe there are certainly things I can improve on. Not only can I improve on the project, but I believe I can improve on my self and my personal skills. For starters, I really need to work on my procrastination, and my tendency of doing things last minute. I do give myself some room for error though, as I am always busy. I do a lot in and out of school, so I do get a little lazy, and even tired. However, when I need to get productive, I tend to slack sometimes which I need to work on. Besides the growth of my personal behaviors, I would like to improve my project skills. I want to improve in the presentation and editing of my future projects. I do believe I did well with this commercial, but it was my first, so it certainly wasn't my best. Next time I know to look more into effects and transitions within my editing applications. I want to make my other projects look better and run more smoothly. I feel like If I begin to work on myself, and my editing skills, other projects will start to come easy to me. I want my last project, to show extreme growth in my planning and production skills.

Overall, I really enjoyed working on this commercial project. It was a new and interesting experience, and I am excited for more like it. I have certainly gained a lot from it, and will only continue to grow. 

Until the next time blog!


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