Coraline : Movie Research


  1. 1. What genre conventions were used? 

Some genre conventions that were used in the movie Coraline used different lighting such as dull/low lighting, completely dark, or warm lighting. The angles that were used consisted of high, Dutch, eye level and low angles, however it also used while also using close up shots, medium shots, birds eye view, etc. The character used props such as buttons for eyes, and Coraline the main character used a costume that leaned towards the scary side. This movie also includes dialogue, diegetic and non-diegetic sound. 


  1. 2. What conventions were liked? 

The conventions that caught our group's eye were the sudden jump cuts that made that horror aspect of the movie come to life. Instead of it being focused on one subject, it allows the audience to engage more because it gets you to pay attention to what’s actually happening. We also really felt like the extreme close ups made us enjoy the movie more because of how unexpected it was. Lastly, the different types of sets made the movie extremely diverse and different. 


  1. 3. What conventions were disliked? 

Looking back at what we liked and disliked about Coraline, there were a lot of topics to talk about because of its several conventions. For instance, we thought the buttons were a fantastic prop, but there was also a little gore. Furthermore, we thought the alternate world set had more intricacies and was more impressive than the main set.


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