Production Blog: Editing
Hello Blog! I'm back, and this time with more progress on the editing of our opening sequence.
Kylee, our dedicated editor decided it would be best to split up the project to work into sections. It made a lot of sense to Hailey and I. In a sense that it would initially help the editing process run more efficiently. And if anything were to go wrong anyway, we had the project shared, and were able to collaborate right in the moment. The idea of splitting sections also allowed involvement from all group members in one aspect or another. Kylee was quick about her selected section. She claimed to edit the ending scenes because she enjoyed them most. She said watching it was intruiging, and it would be the enjoyable to edit. We didn't compete nor complain with her pick, because she was the initial editor. So, it was kind of what kylee wants, kylee gets, type of situation! LOL.
We seperated our planning into 3 different days. In which we would complete different tasks. Day 1, we worked on individual editing. So, whatever section you had, you would go scene by scene. With each scene we observed closely and made changes to lighting exposure if needed, as well as cropping if was longated or stretched. If clips were to become too long, we had to trim clips individually to make the time limit. We had to be careful during trimming clips. We didn't want to trim all of our clips seperately and make the opening sequence 10 seconds! Day 2 was overall transitions and adding text to the scenes throughout. If, in between scenes, we wanted to add special effects or transitions, we did so. We also went in and added text through the scenes. They would fade in, fade out, slide, etc. Day 3, we fixed up small mistakes, reviewed our clips, and finally inserted our music over the clips.
Anywho! I know that was a lot to catch up on and listen to! But, it will all be worth it when you see the final product! See you soon friends.
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