
Hey blog! Its Marissa again here, and I am officially done with my commercial! I hope it was entertaining to watch. I am here to reflect on the experience and creation of the video. I first started off with the technological device of a Ipad. I chose the Ipad because its not as big as a computer, has many features, and has editing software other computers may not have. I used the editing software of Cap cut to then publish my commercial. I did actually have my phone, to select pictures from my camera roll and send videos as well. I chose my Ipad not only because of the ease of maneuvering it, but because I have alot of storage on my Ipad. After downloading capcut on my Ipad, I explored this app and was able to find my way around it, implementing photos and videos to then make my commercial. During the process of putting the commercial I would like to believe I learned alot. I learned to not only edit, but the steps it takes to publish a proper commercial. This commercial showed me...